Our Mission
The Alabama State Parks Foundation hosts a community of people who love our State’s parks. A philanthropic partner of the Parks Administration, the Foundation seeks gifts that will support and enhance park programming, parks facilities, and parks experiences. Members of the Foundation are people dedicated to building and sustaining a great, statewide park system.
Photo: Credit
From its beginning in 2018 the Alabama State Parks Foundation has been a strong partner of Alabama’s magnificent park system. Today, the Foundation has over 1000 Friends and Founding members who provide financial support through their charitable contributions. Numbering 15 Directors from all over the State of Alabama, the Foundation’s Board plans and implements fundraising programs.
To support its growing service to the citizens of Alabama, charitable gifts provide a margin of excellence in the provision of a variety of recreational and other park experiences. This year the Foundation has embarked upon its Campaign for the Parks. It invites individuals who love the Alabama State Parks, as well as businesses and corporations, to make gifts for recreational programs, facilities, and other park amenities.
Every gift makes a difference. You can too. Call us, email us, or visit our website at asparkfoundation.org. and find out how you can help make and keep a great parks system for the citizens of Alabama. Parks for People, People for Parks.
Alex McCrary
President, Alabama State Parks Foundation
Board Members
Robert Black
Chris Blankenship
James G. Brazil, Jr.
Tom Cosby
Matthew Dent
Chad Davis
James Emison
Dan L. Hendricks
Steve Jones
Greg Lein
Alex McCrary
Renee Rice
Darryl Washington